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Thursday, February 18, 2010
Week 7

Week 7

-Breifly read through the whole book again. You should be clear of the whole story.

What could have been done to prevent all the deaths?
Since the prince knows about the hate between the Capulet and Montague, he should set and order which is asking them to move out of town Verona, somewhere far apart from each other. This slims down the percentage of seeing each other in town and started to fight, which eventually lead to deaths when the fight is too violence. Also, Romeo would not have meet Juliet and the tragedy would not have begin.
One of the head of the family can take the initiative to build peace and bond with the other head of the family. They can do so by asking the prince for help in arranging them to meet and sit down peacefully and calmly and talk. When both families are friends, it is unlikely for them to start a fight out of no reason hence, it can decreases the number of deaths.
Tybalt could also help to prevent Mercutio's death and his own death only if he is not so impulsive. However, he is always welcoming troubles and goes around provoting people, just like how he provoke Romeo in Act 3 Scene 1. His hot tempered causes him to end up fighting with Mercutio and the poor MErcutio is killed by Tybalt. In oreder to revenge for the dead Mercutio, Romeo kills Tybalt in return. If only Tybalt chose not to fight, he could save Mercutio and as much as his own precious life. Therefore, i think that it would serve best that Tybalt is banish to other town so that he will not creates more troubles and end up in more deaths. Also, Romeo could also make the diffent by not killing Tybalt as an act of being loyal to Mercutio.
Juliet could chose to tell Lord Capulet the truth that the person that she loves is actually Romeo and not Paris. By doing his, she does not need to drink the potion and it will not lead to Paris death. Paris is killed by Romeo in the vault when he wants to kill Romeo. If Juliet has not drink that potion, surely she willc ome and prevent all this death. However, Juliet is already unconscious after drinking the potion. Then Romeo thought that Juliet is dead and hence, he bought poison to kill himself. Also, Juliet would not kill herself if Romeo has not drink that poison.

Would and Should your character have done anything differently?
Nurse should have tell out the truth to Lord Capulet that the boy that Juliet like is Romeo instead of Paris. This can prevent Juliet from drinking the potion and also Paris and Romeo would have die.
Nurse should not have married them secretly. She should have discussed with Lord Capulet about it then ask Romeo go and tell and Lord Montague about it also. In this way, both families have no choice but to be family in law and this will eventually prevent all the death, especially Romeo's, Juliet's and Paris's death.
Nurse could be more alert during the day before Paris and Juliet's wedding, If she is more resilence, she could realise that something is wrong with Juliet as she suddenly want to marry Paris. Nurse could also observe Juliet movement by staying with her in the bedroom and ask her about her plan instead of leaving her alone.

edited&post by:joey

Be My Romeo / Juliet

Monday, February 1, 2010
Week 5

-How did the fight start?

The fight started at the town, where Mercutio and Benvolio meet Tybalt. Mercutio is not being very friendly and trys to provoke Tybalt when Tybalt wants to talk with him. Tybalt's target is actually Romeo. However, Mercutio is the one who takes his sword out first. When Romeo arrive, Tybalt lost his temper and wants to fight. Romeo tries to talk with Tybalt. Tybalt refuse to listen and Romeo walked away to prevent from losing his temper. Tybalt insists of following Romeo. Tybalt is trying to start a fight with Romeo. Mercutio tries to interfere by taking his sword out and wants Tybalt to fight with him. Upon seeing this, Tybalt also took out his sword. Both of them fight.Then Romeo tries to stop the fight by standing in between Mercutio and Tybalt. But this does not help to stop the fight. Instead, Tybalt pushes the sword into Mercutio's body and Mercutio is hurt. This does not end the fight too. When Mercutio is dead, Tybalt returns. This time, Romeo is too sad about Mercutio's death and wants to revenge. So, he fought with Tybalt and in the end, Tybalt is killed By Romeo. Until Tybalt is dead, Romeo then escaped and this end the fight.

- Did anyone try to stop it?

Yes. In fact, there are two people who had tried to stop the fight. They are Benvolio and Romeo.
Fist, when Tybalt arrives and Mercutio is trying to start the fight with Tybalt, Mercutio remind them that they are in a public area. This shows that Mercutio is trying to stop them from fighting by warning them it is in public and when the prince come,. they will be in big trouble. Then Benvolio suggest that instead of fighting, they could discuss things calmly. This is another edvidence that shows Benvolio is trying to prevent the fight.
Before Mercutio and Tybalt start fighting, Tybalt tries to fight with Romeo but Romeo refuse to. This tells us that Romeo is actually trying to save trouble. When Mercutio and Tybalt are fighitng, Romeo did try to stop them from fighting by warning them about the prince's punishment for them. He also stand in the middle of Tybalt and Mercutio to seperate them form fighting. But he does not know that by doing this, he is actually allowing Tybalt to insert the sword into Mercutio's body more easily. However, Romeo is just trying to help.

- Did Tybalt deserved to die?

Yes, Tybalt deserved to die as he is the one who insist in fighting with Romeo.
At fist, when Romeo arrived, Tybalt is the one who take the intiative to provoke Romeo. If he had ignore Romeo instead of confronting Romeo, he might not have die. Romeo tries to reason with him by speaking politely to him, but Tybalt is still not happy. Then Romeo tries to walk away to prevent any troubles, but again, Tybalt follows him and is trying to challenge Romeo into a fight. Mercutio saw the attitude Tybalt treats Romeo and is feeling unhappy for ROmeo. Hence, he interfere and starts a fight with Tybalt. During the time when Romeo is seperating them from fighting, Tybalt hurt Mercutio. But Tybalt does not has the guts to accept that MErcutio is killed by him and he walks away. Then Romeo killed Tybalt in order to revenge for the dead Mercutio. From this, it shows that Tybalt deserved to die. Even in laws, when you kill a person, the punishment is normally to die. One life pays for one life. Therefore, i think that Tybalt deserved to die as he had killed Mercutio and even escaped. What more, it is Tybalt who wants to fight with Romeo badly and he is the one who confront Romeo first.

by: Joey & Wanyi
edited & post by: Joey

Be My Romeo / Juliet

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Week 4

-Week 4

Give a short account of the fight that happened during Act 1, Scene 1.(What happened?)

It started with Sampson and Gregory,the servants of the Capulets. both of them were on town when Abram and Balthasar, the servants of Montagues come. Sampson started off by showing Abram and Balthasar a rude face. However when Abram asked Sampson if he is making a rude face at them, Sampson replied that he is making a rude face but not at them. Then Gregory challenged Abram to a fight but Abram, who was very calm, declined his challenge and refused to fight. When Sampson says that his master is a good man, Abram challenge him and says that Lord Capulet, which is Sampson's master, is not a better man. When Tybalt arrive, Sampson says that Tybalt is a better man but Abram acussed that he was lying. Finally when Sampson runs out of patients, he tells Gregory to take out his sword and they started fighting. Benvolio came to stopped the servants from fighting, but to no avail. Instead, he is being accused by Tybalt. Tybalt thought that Benvolio is in the fight and he attack Banvolio. This leads to the fight between Tybalt and Benvolio. The passing townspeople also interfere and end up fighting with one and other, while the others cheers for their ideal family. Lord Capulet and Lady Capulet arrived. Without knowing that it was Sampson, one of his servant who is at fault, he orders Sampson to take his long sword to him as he saw Lord Montague coming. Lord Montague also command his wife not to stop him. As they were about to start the fight, Prince Escalus came and stopped the fight.

Whose fault was it? Who started the fight ?

"SAMPSON: If i meet any of those Montague dogs today, i'm really to attack them." This shows that it was Sampson, who wants to attract the Montague's family attention. When Abram and Balthasar from the Montague family arrived, Sampson started to provoke them by making a rude face at them. This is a form of disrespectful towards them. Gregory also challenge Abram into a fight but Abram remains very calm and declined his challenge. From this few sentences, we can infer that it was the Capulets who started off everytihng. Not only the servants, Tybalt from the Capulets family, also started a fight with Banvolio when he accuse Benvolio of involving in the fight when Benvolio when Benvolio is there only to stopped the servants form fighting. It was Tybalt who refuse to listen to Benvolio's explaination and attacked him him. So, it was Sampson and Tybalt, both from the Capulets family, were at fault.The both of them are too impulsive and can not afford to be provoked. However, it was Sampson, from the Capulet family started the fight by asking Gregory to take out his sword and start fighting, leading to the cousins, then the townspeople and almost the heads of both familes.

Should there have been any punishment?

Yes, it should have one punishment. Since it was the Capulets' servants who atart the fight, the servants should be punish. But Abram was also at wrong for insulting Lord Capulet that he was not a better man, so Abram should also be punish. Both familes were enemies for years but still, they were staying in the same town. It would serve best if both families were banish to a place far away from Vorona, until both families became friends again, then they were allowed abck to Verona.
Other punishment would be, which ever person from any family starts the fight forst, that person will be sent to death. If not, the person shall be banished from Verona. But it will be better if both families have to move out of Verona when they fight again. I totally agree with Prince Escalus that heads will roll if both families fight again. Heads will roll practically means that they will die they fight again. So, i am very glad that Prince Escalus had set this rules and i am sure not a single one of them will break they rule.

by: Joey
edited and post by: Joey

Be My Romeo / Juliet

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Week 3

-Week 3

Our Group's Assigned Character :Nurse

Nurse is a supported character in this story. She was married and had a daughter. She always felt that her daughter , Susan , who passed away , was too good for her. Her daughter was about the same age as Juliet. She was the nurse of Juliet, who was the daughter of Lord Capulet , the head of the Capulet family. She had looked after Juliet for fourteen years since she was born. She was loyal and respected Lady Capulet family. She would be very happy if Juliet was married. She disliked people who was rude to her. She was very concerned of the relationship between Romeo and Juliet by having Romeo to promise her to be serious of their relationship and treat Juliet well. She had a friendly attitude but always hesitate whether to support Juliet's love or advise her to marry to Paris. After that , Juliet and Romeo were married. Though she did not really approved of their marriage , she still helped them by doing lots of things for them. Examples are passing their messages and helped Juliet and Romeo to be together. Nurse had a best friend called Tybalt , who was Juliet's cousin , but was killed by Romeo that made her hate him. Despite of what Romeo had done , she still support him when he was feeling down and took his knife away when he tried to kill himself. I think that she is forgiving as she did not grudge Romeo anymore for killing her best friend. After Juliet had finished arguing with her parents , Nurse suggested her to marry Paris and said that Romeo was of no use to her now which I felt that it was quite cruel. But I think that maybe she felt that her future would be much better for her if she marry to Paris and so that she will not suffer too.By reading this story , we knew that Nurse truly cared about Juliet's future and happiness very much as she always worried about her. She was also a straight-forward person and always honest to her own feelings.

From act 1 scene 3, " Yes, of course! She'll be fourteen in July. My daughter, Susan and she were about the same age. Well, Susan's in heaven- she is too good for me....." from these, we can infer that the nurse is married and she had a daughter, Susan. But unfortunately for her, Susan had passed away. She thinks that Susan is too good for her. This shows that her thought is a negative one. Also, she said that Juliet will be fourteen in July this year without hesitating. This is the evidence that shows the Nurse had been taking care of Juliet since young and knows her well, treating her like her own daughter.
" He's is a perfect picture of man, young lady! " From this, we could say that the Nurse respected Lady Capulet's decision and have no intention to rebels against her idea.

From Act 2, Scene 3, " I'm so angry. What a rude boy! " This sentence tells us that the Nurse dislike people who are impolite to her. " But first, i want to say something. If you're only playing with her feelings, that's wrong of you. My lady's very young." This shows that the Nurse care for Juliet and make sure that not a single hurt is brought to Juliet. When Romeo first attempt to give the Nurse money, the Nurse hesitated but in the end, she still keep the money. She should not take the money as she was carrying out the instruction that Juliet had given her and not accepting money from Romeo. This shows that the Nurse is greedy as she kept the money for her own.

from Act 3 Scene 2, she was crying because of Tybalt's death. " Oh, Tybalt, Tybalt, my best friend! Of dear Tybalt! I'm still alive and you're dead." this shows that Tybalt and the Nurse are best friend and they have a good relationship. " Here, sir, she asked me to give you this ring. Hurry- it's getting very late." From this, we can infer that although the Nurse is sad about Tybalt's death, she still obey Juliet and performed the task that Juliet had asked her to do. Despite hating Romeo for killing Tybalt, the Nurse still tries to bring Romeo and Juliet together. This shows that the Nurse is forgiving and really cares about Juliet's happiness. Scene 4, when Romeo is being banished, the Nurse persuaded Juliet to marry Paris as Romeo is of no use to her. This shows that the Nurse is indecisive. First, she sides Romeo, now she sides Paris. Of course, the Nurse also has the good intention by thinking that Paris is a fine gentleman that will bring happiness to Juliet. But she does not know that by doing that, she has hurt Juliet and cause Juliet not to trust her again.

Details of other characters

Lord Capulet is an impulsive man who tends to take out his sword whenever he sees Lord Montague. He is a cruel and uncaring father of Juliet. In order to be a relative of the Prince Escalus, he forced Juliet to married Paris, a relative of the Prince. He even wants to throw Juliet out of the house if she does not obey his orders. This shows how worst he is. He does not even respect Juliet's choice but instead, he threatened Juliet to marry Paris, who Juliet refuse.

However, Lady Capulet is more wise than Lord Capulet, but only in fighting matters. When it comes to being a parents, Lady Capulet is not better than Lord Capulet. After reading the story, we found out that the relationship between Juliet and her are very poor. There is a serious of lack of communication between them, and worse, Lady Capulet is just like a stranger to Juliet.

Juliet, Lord Capulet only daughter, is very closed to the Nurse who has been taking care of her. During the ball, Juliet saw Romeo and love at first sight. Juliet is a very devoted girl and is willing to sacrisfic herself in order to be with Romeo. This shows that how brave she is. Also, when Juliet trys to tell Lord Capulet that she does not wants to marry Paris, but to no avail. Lord Capulet forced her to marry Paris or else he will throw her out of the house. Still, Juliet withstand all this and fight hard for what she wants to archieve.

Romeo, the only son of the Montague family, is also in love with Juliet. Unfortunately for them, both families are enemies for lots of years. Even though, it does not stop Romeo from loving Juliet. At the starting of the play, Romeo felt sad as he like a girl, Rosaline, but Rosaline does not like him. During the ball, same thing happen to Romeo. He saw Juliet and love at first sight. His love for Juliet is never been suspicious. He is very devoted and willing to die for Juliet.

Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, the Nurse best friend, is a hot tempered man and is as impulsive as the Lord Capulet, He always accused people without finding out what really had happened. for example in Act 1 Scene 1, when Benvolio tries to stop them from fighting, Tybalt acussed Benvolio that he was trying and start a fight. Also, he does not give people a chance to explain and always resort to violence.

Instead, Juliet falls for Romeo, the only son of their enemies, Montague. Lord Montague is also as impulsive as Lord Capulet as he also intend to fight when he saw his enemy. Romeo, his only son, is feeling very sad about loving a girl who does not like him, Rosaline. Romeo's cousin, Benvolio, who totally knows how Romeo is feeling, brought him to the Capulet's ball and there, Romeo saw Juliet. Both of them love each other very much at the first sight. The Nurse, Juliet nurse, and Friar Laurence help both of them to get married secretly. when Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, who is so hot tempered and impatient, find out that Mercutio, a prince's relative, is involved with the Montague, get so angry that he start a fight with Mercutio. Unfortunately, Tybalt is killed by Romeo while Romeo is trying to stop them from fighting. Prince Escalus, the prince of Verona, had warned the Capulets and Montagues from fighting, but to no avail.

Make up information

Lord Capulet has a fierce look on his face. He has single eyelids and short blond hair. He has a brownish skin and has a muscular and tall build. He has small, brown eyes and really short eyelashes. He always carries a sword with him and he wants to become the Prince relative by forcing Juliet to marry Paris. He is a silly old man who cant tell what is right and what is wrong.

Lady Capulet beautiful long, straight golden hair and shiny, big black eyes. She has double eyelids and quite fair skin. She has long eyelashes and is quite short. She dislikes anything to do with violence. She is married to Lord Capulet at a very young age and both of them have a communication problems.

Cousin Capulet is a bald man with a hairy beard. He is like Santa Claus and is fat and short. He has blue eyes. He also like to dance but he always fall whenever he dance.

Juliet inherited her mother's beautiful golden long straight hair, fair skin and long eyelahses. She inherited her father's tall height abd gus brown eyes. She also inherited her mother's shiny big eyes. She dislikes Paris. She likes dresses and dancing. She always wear beautiful dresses and high heels.

Tybalt is Juliet's cousin. He has spiky, curly, black hair. As for his eyes, his was slanted eyes, short eyelashes and thick eyebrows. He has a muscular build but however is short in height. He dislike people who talk about peace especially the Montagues. He likes violence and his hobby is to fight.

Sampson is one of the Capulet servants who appeared at the first scene of the story. He has curly and long hair and it is tied into an ponytail. He has dark skin and short eyelashes. He is muscular in build and tall in height. He is really rude and likes to provoke people. He is a very talkative person who talks alot.

Gregory is another Capulet servant. He has straight and long, brown hair and tied into a ponytail. He has short eyelashes and has dark skin. He is muscular in build and short in height. He is also very rude. Unlike Sampson, he seldom talks, but like to challenge people.

Peter is the Lord Capulet's servants. He has long, brown curly hair. He also has brown eyes and fair skin and he is skinny in build. He has a moustache and has tall in height. He always says good things about the Lord Capulet, hoping that the Lord Capulet can increase his salary. He likes to follow the nurse around but is afriad to stand out for himself. He is a coward.

By: Joey, ShuFung, Wanyi, Elaine
edited & post by : Joey

Be My Romeo / Juliet